Ordering the Mini Delta
I ordered the Mini Delta on the day after Christmas 2018 figuring I would avoid the pre-holiday rush. I was right. It arrived BEFORE 10 AM the following day (Thursday).
That was QUICK - too quick! I had ordered one spool of filament (Hatchbox PLA in silver) the same day as the printer but didn't know when it would arrive. I looked at MatterHackers and found that almost everything was out of stock. I procrastinated and didn't order until the next day (Friday) and then it wasn't what I really wanted. It turned out that the PolyLite (in red) that I did order turned out to be a really good choice.
When the printer arrived I had to scramble to make a place to set it up. I had decided that my desk in the library, which I never really use, was the perfect place. Being in it's own room had some advantages. Unfortunately, after I unpacked the printer all I cold do is sit on the desk, turn it on, look at the menus, and watch it swing around the hot end a bit. Not very exciting.
I wasn't idle during the filament waiting time. I spent the time pouring over the excellent Monoprice Mini Delta Wiki information on the web and learning about slicers - Cura in particular.